

INOVIQ Ltd (ASX:IIQ) (INOVIQ) is developing and commercialising an innovative portfolio of diagnostic and exosome-based solutions for the earlier detection, diagnosis, prognosis and monitoring of cancer and other diseases to improve patient outcomes and save lives.

INOVIQ’s multiomics approach, using our unique biomarker isolation and detection technologies, has enabled us to develop liquid biopsy tests for earlier and more accurate detection of cancer and other diseases.

Our technologies allow:

  • Selective isolation of target biomolecules
  • Earlier and more accurate detection of disease
  • Precise treatment selection and ongoing monitoring

Spotlight Videos

INOVIQ (ASX:IIQ) – Webinar Presentation

Dr Leearne Hinch - CEO - INOVIQ (ASX:IIQ) is developing and commercialising a portfolio of diagnostic and exosome-based products for the earlier detection, diagnosis, prognosis and monitoring of cancer and other diseases.

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