
Stocks of the Hour: Sihayo Gold, Argent Minerals, Oceana Lithium

A snapshot of the stocks on the move, featuring Sihayo Gold (ASX:SIH), Argent Minerals (ASX:ARD) and Oceana Lithium (ASX:OCN).


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Sihayo Gold (ASX:SIH), has received a letter from Provident Aurum, stating its intention to make an off-market takeover offer to acquire all the shares of Sihayo. The Proposed Offer is unsolicited. Shares are trading 150 per cent higher at 0.25 cents.

Argent Minerals (ASX:ARD) has announced new exceptional high-grade drill results at its Kempfield project in NSW. All twelve RC drill holes completed over the Kempfield Deposit have intersected shallow, broad thick high-grade zones of silver-lead-zinc mineralisation up to 88m thick from surface from the Western Lode area. Shares are trading 17.65 per cent higher at 2 cents.

Oceana Lithium (ASX:OCN) announced that the results of recent soil sampling have defined a uranium anomaly in excess of 4.5km in length and up to 700m in width at its 100% owned Napperby Project in the Northern Territory. The Napperby Project is located within the highly prospective Arunta Province, which is endowed with some of the most prospective rocks for lithium (Li), Rare Earth Elements (REEs) and uranium (U) mineralisation in the Northern Territory. Shares are trading 19.15 per cent higher at 5.6 cents.

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