
Stocks of the Hour: Firebrick Pharma, Critical Resources, Blue Star Helium

A snapshot of the stocks on the move, featuring Firebrick Pharma, Critical Resources and Blue Star Helium.


Firebrick Pharma (ASX:FRE) has announce that its Nasodine® Nasal Spray product is being launched in the United States today. The product will be promoted for "nasal hygiene" without any therapeutic claims. Shares are trading 82.35 per cent higher at 9.3 cents.

Critical Resources (ASX:CRR) has announced 8km of highly prospective anomalies and follow-up targets at the company’s flagship Mavis Lake Lithium Project in Ontario, Canada. The magnetic anomalies are interpreted as either being extensions of known pegmatites or representing additional pegmatite discoveries/significant structural features. Shares are trading 16.67 per cent higher at 1.4 cents.

Blue Star Helium (ASX:BNL, OTCQB: BSNLF) has announced the maiden helium development well at Galactica/Pegasus is on track for drilling this quarter. The well site location has been inspected, and access ensured with landowner and construction crew engaged for pad and access upgrades, which is expected to commence this week. Shares are trading 16.67 per cent higher at 0.7 cents.

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