
Stocks of the Hour: Liontown Resources, Elementos, Resource Mining Corporation

A snapshot of the stocks on the move, featuring Liontown Resources (ASX:LTR), Elementos (ASX:ELT) and Resource Mining Corporation (ASX:RMI).


Liontown Resources (ASX:LTR) has agreed to proceed with the delivery of Direct Shipping Ore (DSO) product to provide an early source of revenue ahead of first concentrate production at the Kathleen Valley Lithium Project. Managing Director and CEO, Tony Ottaviano, said: “Therefore, progressing with the production of DSO not only provides early revenue potential, but also enables us to derisk the project by field testing our ore sorting and logistics solutions.” Shares are trading 0.37 per cent higher at $2.73.

Elementos (ASX:ELT) confirms zinc mineralisation and by-product potential at Oropesa Tin Project. Managing Director Joe David commented: “These results now present the necessary data to further evaluate the potential for a maiden zinc Mineral Resource at Oropesa and a zinc by-product.” Shares are trading flat at 15 cents.

Resource Mining Corporation (ASX:RMI) announced that at their Kola lithium project assays point to the presence of lithium-bearing pegmatites in the northern part of the project, and along trend with Keliber’s deposits. Executive Chairman, Asimwe Kabunga, said: “We look forward to the commencement of drilling within these extremely prospective regions as soon as our reservation applications are converted into exploration permits.” Shares are trading 13.21 per cent higher at 6 cents

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